Snippets and other bits

Random snippets that I've found useful and might be useful to others.

Using Djblue's portal for tap in Babashka

It’s often the case one has to deal with a repl-crashing amount of data via Babashka. In clojure I reach for hashp but this time I thought I’d try out Chris Badahdah’s Portal which describes itself as the following: “A clojure tool to navigate through your data”. Amazingly, you can even try it out online!

Hydra for evil-mc

At least in Doom Emacs the default keybindings for evil-mc are really cumbersome, here’s a Hydra that makes things much easier:

Naming a timer in Babashka

(defmacro named-time
  "Evaluates expr and prints the `nme` and the time it took. Returns the value of
  [nme# expr]
  `(let [start# (. System (nanoTime))
         ret# ~expr]
     (prn (str "Elapsed time (" ~nme# ") "
               (/ (double (- (. System (nanoTime)) start#)) 1000000.0)
               " msecs"))

Like the time function that Babashka/Clojure has in core, but accepts a name so that it’s easier to identify stuff in a busy console:

(named-time :plus (+ 1 1)) => 2, prints "Elapsed time (:plus) 0.022612 msecs"

Keeping backups of every edited file

I recently ran rm -rf * in my home directory, which apart from being very foolish, reminded me that I have backups of basically every file I’ve edited:

Delta for Git and Magit

I was just introduced to a tool called Delta which is a pager you can use with Git to give you Github-esque diffs.

Save all mu4e attachments

To save all attachments from an mu4e email to a particular directory, you can use this handy snippet for older versions of the client. For more modern mu4e versions, use the elisp by @sj30.

condev - like cond but different

Hopefully the docstring explains this well enough:

Export an environment variable to Emacs

Handy function to export environment variables to Emacs from the command line:

Using yadm via magit

Yadm’s an amazing dotfile manager that’s basically a thin wrapper around git and a bare repo. With it being a bare repo, you’ll not be able to manage it directly with Magit so here’s a really smart tip I found that will let you access it via Tramp:

Load a random emacs theme on startup

To load a random emacs theme on startup (I restart daily) you can use the following snippet. Just add your theme as a new function to funs. If you don’t restart often, you could add a timer to change themes while you’re going.

Start evil substitution on selection

Here’s a little evil operator that will fill in the first part of an evil/ex substitution with the region / visual / object. This allows you to replace objects quickly without having to type out the ex command in full.

Search specific extensions with counsel-projectile-rg

If you’re in a monorepo searching through stuff can be a bit chaotic. Here’s a way of narrowing down to specific file extensions with counsel-projectile-rg:

Using the CIDER debugger in Evil

When using evil and CIDER together, you might find that rebinding the keys required to control the debugger is a pain. Luckily, you don’t actually have to, you can just enter insert mode instead:

Keeping a constant record of text written

If ever I’m writing a chunk of text that will change a lot over time, I like to use this script to make sure I have a constant record of what has changed over time. Combined with your equivelent of git-timemachine, it’s really handy for looking back at progression or finding where you might have gone wrong. 🙂

Widescreen emacs and vertical splits

On a widescreen monitor, especially the really wide ones, it’s nice to have only vertical splits. This snippet will give bias to vertical splits:

Having Smartparens commands work with Evil-mc

As described here, when using evil-mc, it’s very frustrating when a Smartparens command works on only the first of the multiple cursors. Here’s how to fix that: